Posted by Matcha Slim
Posted on June 17, 2024
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Coming soon full Movies.
ফুল লিংকটি চাপ দিয়ে ধরে ওপেন করুন এরপরে ডাউনলোড করুন অ্যাড আসলে ফোনের ব্যাক বাটনে ক্লিক করবেন
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লিংক আপডেট করা হয়নি
ডাউনলোড করার আগে অবশ্যই ভিডিও দেখে নিবেন ভিডিওটা টেলিগ্রামে দেওয়া আছে
Before downloading, you must watch the video, the video is given in Telegram
Watch the full movie Click Terabox Blank Screen.
টেরাবক্স ব্ল্যাঙ্ক স্ক্রীনে ক্লিক করে সম্পূর্ণ মুভিটি দেখুন।
Honest review of toofan
I saw Shakib Khan in a different way in this movie. He gave the best performance of his life in this movie. His dialogue delivery was amazing. Raihan Rafi has managed to use him very well. When you watch Tufan movie, every moment will pass through your time thrilling and intense.
But Mimi Chakraborty and Nabila didn't have much to do in the movie. Shakib Khan has done the movie alone. The acting of Misha Saudagar, Chanchal Chowdhury and Shahiduzzaman Selim as supporting cast was top class. Moreover Ghazi Rakayet and Salahuddin Lovelu are also used very well.
There are some unreleased songs from the movie, hope you like them.
But Mimi Chakraborty and Nabila didn't have much to do in the movie. Shakib Khan has done the movie alone. The acting of Misha Saudagar, Chanchal Chowdhury and Shahiduzzaman Selim as supporting cast was top class. Moreover Ghazi Rakayet and Salahuddin Lovelu are also used very well.
There are some unreleased songs from the movie, hope you like them.
Director: Raihan Rafi
Writer: Raihan Rafi
Stars: Shakib KhanMimi ChakrabortyChanchal Chowdhury
Shakib Khan
Mimi Chakraborty
Chanchal Chowdhury
Masuma Rahman Nabila
Fazlur Rahman Babu
Misha Sawdagor
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